Elevate your video production with drone video footage
Our adventures in the Austin video production world are going up, up, and away! The rise of drone videography is well-known, and it added some awesome production value to a recent project.
Unlike most programs, this one did not involve people on-camera. It was our task to showcase an absolutely beautiful childcare facility- especially the expansive and shaded playground. After scouting the location with the owners, we briefed our talented drone expert on the shot list and the overall intent of the final piece.
Drone videography gives videos a fresh perspective
Shoot day involved three distinct points of view. One camera was on a wheeled tripod, acquiring classroom overall scenes, plus pans and zooms outside.
Another action camera supplemented the “big” camera with a smaller “steady-shot” approach, getting fun “kid's eye view" footage.
And the drone flew majestically between play areas- like a winged Steadicam. It also provided a high-altitude perspective on the size of the facility.

Getting a new perspective on buildings and sites is a great use of drone photography.

Creating Austin drone video production magic in the edit suite
The editing challenge was to combine all three shooting styles into a two-minute montage set to music. It was a wealth of image and movement riches. But it was fun finding just the right music to set the right tone and bind the elements together. Adding occasional screen text helped to tell the story.
As Austin-based video producers, we get to do some fun and crazy shoots. “The drone revolution” makes everything more fun. The drones are here to stay...
Every shoot is a new opportunity to help organizations promote their businesses, products and missions. We're proud to help our clients tell their stories through video.
Drone Video Production Austin TX
Our award-winning video production team will be pleased to help make your next project a success with drone video footage in the Austin TX area!

Need help with an upcoming drone video or any other video production services?
We'd love to help you tell your story. Contact us for a quick video production quote. Or give us a call: 512-388-9404.