Where We Live
As an Austin video company, the term "where we live" takes on two different meanings. Using technology creatively to tell a story is very much where we "live". We also physically live in Austin, Texas: more on that later.
In video, pre-production is key
Even though we love the adventure and unexpected aspects of each production, we also try to limit or control the unexpected. Call it experience.
The value of scouting, or doing preliminary reconnaissance, is huge, even for small shoots. Knowing the technical details is “where we live.”
A recent Media Training video production benefitted greatly from our recon mission the day before the shoot. First, where would we shoot? Next, what was the client trying to accomplish? What is the space like? What gear do we need to facilitate the session successfully?
All of those questions were answered in a half hour at the location. Much of the anxiety and potential complexity was eliminated. Bottom line: we were ready, had the right equipment in place, utilized their existing set-up well, and accomplished the intent of the endeavor. As a result, it went very well, and it was fun.
Then, a Greek chorus of media trainers, who had flown in specifically for this training, weighed-in effectively after each playback of the founder’s responses to typical media questions. During this phase, we even recorded their feedback. We hadn't expected to do that, but we were in position and ready for it when the opportunity appeared.

We're proud to be an Austin video company...
The other aspect of “where we live” also raised its head during the media-training session. The founder/CEO had started the company in his apartment in California, but he LOVED AUSTIN. It sounded familiar, and we knew what he was talking about. We are proud of this Austin success story.
Our city of educated, creative talent has provided exactly the culture needed to grow the company beyond the wildest dreams of its founder. Austin attracts people from all over the country for it's positive energy. As an Austin video company, we like being part of that.
Most of all, providing that easy-going-but-effective support was our job for the day. We love our city, and we love using our video production skills to apply our creative arts to the business world.

Need video production help in Austin, TX or elsewhere in the U.S.?
We'd love to help you tell your story. Contact us for a quick video production quote. Or give us a call: 512-388-9404.