Independent Media Productions Wins a Videographer Award for Smartphone In-Store Video Production
Austin, TX, --- Independent Media Productions, Inc., an Austin video production company, has won a Videographer Award of Excellence for the video “Go Back to School with Your Smartphone.” The Videographer Awards is an international awards competition that recognizes outstanding achievement in video productions.
Shot on location at a popular University of Texas campus-area bookstore, this Austin video production features actors using their smartphones to help shop for everything needed to go back to school. The video tells the story through in-store scenarios, graphics, music cues, and humor.
“This video was fun to produce, as we basically “took over” a large bookstore for the night. We staged scenes in every area of the store, and the actors did a great job with the material,” said Steve Corder, Executive Producer at Independent Media Productions. “The final video really shows how smartphones are changing the way that we shop.”
The Videographer Awards is an international competition designed to recognize excellence in video productions, TV commercials, news programs and digital media. The Videographer Awards are administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. The Award of Excellence is one of the most coveted forms of recognition in the video industry.
Located in Austin, Texas, Independent Media Productions Inc. has been producing creative, cost effective video productions for worldwide clients for over 20 years.
Back to school with your smartphone video
Go back to college with your smartphone! Terrific actors, a well-known campus area location, a great script...this video highlights the smartphone software product through in-store scenarios. Shot on location at a University bookstore.