Capturing interview videos to tell a story or drive an initiative
As Austin video producers, we get to meet a lot of interesting people from all walks of life. Sometimes we meet the actual movers and shakers in our awesome city. Such was the case for a recent project that had us moving around town to capture eleven compelling interview videos.
Many parts of the community, businesses and city government are working together to train and "up skill" the Austin area workforce in key areas: medical, IT, manufacturing, and skilled trades. As our city grows (and grows and grows), we'll need a skilled workforce to keep up with demand and fill these crucial "middle skill" jobs.
Use testimonial and interview videos to speak to the "heart" of the matter
For this interview video production project, we talked to Austin Mayor Steve Adler, Travis County Judge Sarah Eckhardt, the CEO of Workforce Solutions, the president of Goodwill Industries Central Texas, the president of Austin Community College, and many other community workforce training leaders as they come together for this initiative.
Some of the interview spaces were big and enabled us to set up and light the scene like a TV interview. But some spaces were fairly cramped and we had to be minimalist in our approach to the scene.
The interview videos from each unique perspective were the most important element in telling the collective story. The same three questions yielded very different answers from our eleven on-camera subjects.
Our two-camera approach gave us an option of a medium shot or a close-up. The seamless cutting between soundbites crafted the overall message.
The collective initiative to educate, train, and place workers yielded three separate programs that featured the community leader testimonial videos. The final results were shown on the big screen at a local movie theater during a gala event celebrating the first year of the initiative.
Professional Interview Video Production
Our award-winning video production team will be pleased to help make your next project a success!
Video is a perfect way to train your workforce and spread your mission to your stakeholders
Best results always come from a professional, but low-key vibe on-set. We accomplished that by getting to each location early and pre-lighting the scene. The subjects could sit down, get mic'ed up and GO. Our preparation made the process simple.

We captured first-hand what makes Austin great and how we are moving forward. It's a collective mindset with the Austin community and leaders all pulling in the same direction. In this case to help with unemployment and underemployment and lift people out of poverty through advanced training, building the workforce of tomorrow.

Need help with testimonial and interview video production? Or any other video production services?
We'd love to help you tell your story. Contact us for a quick video production quote. Or give us a call: 512-388-9404.