Non-Profit Video Production
What do you get when you couple CH Robinson, Tempur-Pedic, Ronald McDonald House and lots of enthusiastic volunteers, including local soldiers?
After installing the 5,000th Tempur-Pedic mattress donated in the U.S. to the Ronald McDonald House in Austin, TX, you get a good night's sleep for the parents of sick kids. And then you get a feel-good video showcasing the time and effort of all involved. This non-profit video production was a great project for all involved.
We spent the day putting our video production know-how to use for a very good cause. In fact, very time we do a video project for a good cause, we get out more than we put in!
We interviewed representatives from CH Robinson, Ronald McDonald House and Fort Hood. It was a big "hoorah" push from everyone, from the volunteers, to the local soldiers, corporate sponsors, patients, parents and more.
And then the real Ronald McDonald even jumped in to help the soldiers complete the mission! We also discovered that Ronald McDonald stays in character, no matter what!
We enjoyed this non-profit video production that showcased the good works done on that day. After editing, he video showcased the outreach done by the client and and was shared with the local news media.

Need help with non-profit video production in Austin, TX or elsewhere in the U.S.?
We'd love to help you tell your story. Contact us for a quick video production quote. Or give us a call: 512-388-9404.