TV Commercial Production

Ah yes, TV commercials. Before the Internet, before social media, even before cable, television advertising was how people brought attention to their product or service. Even though we now have other means of hitting our target market, TV commercial production remains a great way to advertise.
We recently had an opportunity to turn some amazing drone footage into a cohesive message for a coastal property near Corpus Christi, TX.. The Gulf Coast is a business juggernaut, combining land, sea, roads and rail in the robust Texas economy.
Producing a TV commercial to highlight an amazing piece of the Texas Gulf Coast
The footage was effective in showcasing the potential for the perfectly located piece of land to be developed. Scripting and graphics would enhance the view and tell the story.
Hooking the target audience in the first few seconds is key. This was a fast, shotgun blast of production elements, graphics, footage, upbeat music to set the tone and voiceover.
The script evolved with drafts back and forth to the client. The amazing drone visuals speak for themselves; the VO and graphics filled-in the blanks on the potential for this amazing Texas Gulf Coast location.
Draft versions and minor revisions to the graphics tweaked the message into a tight 30 second informational package. Multiple VO takes finally yielded the right overall tone.
Texas TV commercial production
By applying our usual video production techniques, this piece of the Texas Gulf Coast now has a spotlight on it. We're proud to have crystallized our client’s vision with our commercial.

Need TV commercial production help in Austin, TX or elsewhere in the U.S.?
We'd love to help you tell your story. Contact us for a quick TV commercial production quote. Or give us a call: 512-388-9404.